Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Develop a Mastermind

The idea of a mastermind alliance is based on the principle of leveraging. In essence it says that 2 minds are better than one. If you don't know how to do something there's a chance that a member of your alliance might. There is great strength in numbers as long you are directed toward a similar aim.

Before Your Form A Mastermind Alliance

Know where you're headed before beginning a journey. You want to join minds with like-minded people. How can you find a like-minded person if you won't know what your mind is like?

Adopt a definite major purpose. Know what God placed you here for. We each have a part to play. Figure out your role or else you won't know who to seek out. The birds of a feather saying holds true. You need an aim in mind in order to attract similar people.

Form A Mastermind With Knowledge

You can form a mastermind with prose. Fall in love with the library. Become a voracious reader. Use the internet. You have access to unlimited free resources. Tap into the minds of Einstein, Emerson, Buddha, Gandhi. Study leaders. Immerse yourself in their stories. By studying these people in depth you form a mastermind with them. You begin to adopt some of their characteristics.

Form An Alliance With Leaders Of Your Industry

Whoever leads your chosen field should be your friend. Pursue them. Be bold. Leaders appreciate boldness since it's a quality which successful people adopt.

To become the best learn from the best. Don't waste your time making unnecessary mistakes. Use the master's mind. The majority of mentors are more than willing to help you. Tap into their knowledge base.

Form A Mastermind With Friends Or Loved Ones

Just because your friend isn't a titan of industry doesn't mean they can't provide valuable support. Those closest to us know us the best. They can sense when we're heading in the wrong direction and they are the only ones who we trust to tell us that it's so.

Here's the caveat: their goals must be similar to yours. They must be a positive person. They should have drive. A well meaning but misinformed person will hurt your chances of becoming successful. They might tell you to take it easy when it's time to move into overdrive because they fear for your well-being.

You Can't Do It On Your Own

No matter how hard you try it's virtually impossible to become successful on your own. We're all in this together. Form a mastermind to multiply your mind power.

Ryan Biddulph is an entrepreneur and motivational author who inspires people to obliterate their limitations. Use the personal development program which transformed him from an unemployed secruity guard into an influential webpreneur Wealth Beyond Reason

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Biddulph



7 Steps on How to Start a Mastermind

You have heard it said, "Two are better than one," well when it comes to masterminding it turns out that 12 can be even better still.

The concept of the Mastermind Group originally came from Napoleon Hill and his book "Think and Grow Rich," first published back in 1937. The idea is simple yet powerful. The goal is to surround yourself with a group of people who share similar interests and desires. As you meet together you share ideas, hold one another accountable and use your collective brains to help one another out. The only problem with Mastermind Groups is that they can be hard to find. I mean when was the last time you dropped by a friends house only to find them immersed in their Mastermind Group. Chances are this has never happened. If you can't find one you can always go ahead and start one yourself. Here are a few tips to guide the process.

Find the people - You want the right people in your group. Mostly you are looking for individuals as committed to personal growth as you are If you are an entrepreneur then you may want to find other entrepreneurs or small business owners to team up with. A lot of associations will not allow more than one person per trade to join their group, but in masterminding this is not necessary. I have seen groups made up completely of individuals who are competing with each other for business. Start getting word out, you'll be surprised at how many of your friends or colleagues will be interested in the idea.

When, Where, and How often. - It's a good idea to commit to a time period like one year or 6 months. This gives people a starting and ending date. People are busy enough so don't have too many meetings. Once a month is fine. Try and schedule all of them when you first begin i.e. "We'll meet the last Thursday of every month."

Size - This one's up to you. Mastermind Groups can consist of two or even 20. However the bigger they are the harder they are to manage. I think an ideal size is 6-10 people but as I said it's really up to you.

Ask for a commitment - This is essential. If you don't ask for a minimum attendance commitment you will soon be having half the group show up at your meetings. Even the most driven and committed among us sometimes wane in their convictions. Make sure you all agree up front what you want to commit to.

Format - There is no standard here and the possibilities are only limited by your creativity. Some groups have every member chair at least one meeting taking the responsibility of setting the agenda as well. The agenda can include a short talk or discussion on a relevant topic (i.e. goal setting, or marketing strategies) a brainstorming session, or problem solving for one of the members. Usually there is also a time for each member to publicly commit to one action item between now and the next meeting as well as accountability regarding the commitments made since the last meeting.

Keep it fresh - Like anything, Mastermind Groups can fall into a rut from time to time. Keep your meetings alive by being creative. Have great food, change the theme, rotate locations, or invite a guest speaker to address the group. Again the sky is the limit; just don't deviate too far from the original purpose of the group.
Have Fun - There is no point in doing it if you can't have a lot of fun. During a dead month like December go and do something social together.

Mastermind groups can help accelerate your own personal growth and effectiveness if you find the right people to share the journey with. Good luck. Have fun and work hard.

James Robbins is creator of The Summit; the online goal setting game guaranteed to help you reach your peak potential. He delivers keynotes on personal excellence and leadership issues such as employee retention and creating engaging workplaces. To find out more go to www.ontothesummit.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Robbins

Mastermind Group - So What is IT?

First let's talk about what a mastermind group is. When you look it up on the Internet which I am sure you have, you will undoubtedly get a definition that starts with the quote from the Napolean Hill book "Think and Grow Rich, " This has been sighted by many as the beginning of all the rage around mastermind groups in recent years.

He wrote about his experience of interviewing many successful people commissioned by Andrew Carnegie who requested his services and we know what Mr. around for centuries if we just recognize Carnegie accomplished.

I like to suggest that mastermind groups have been e the intent and formations. Another quote comes to mind "When two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them." (Matthew 18:20)

I also imagine that peoples from time immemorial have been masterminding with each other. They sat together and played board games, had quilting circles, socialized at tea parties, joined cigar smoking clubs, hung out in men's groups, shared in women/sister circles, rejuvenated in sweat lodges, and more. All to support, council, guide and help each other. This is collaborative problem solving at its best.

So putting this all together simply, a master mind group is like-minded people working together for the success of each member.

Master mind groups have different focuses determined by the interest of the members; for example: first time business owners, women in small business, solopreneurs, boomer generation retired and more. The formations in 2010 can be very effective when done as a conference call. What type of group do you want to belong to?

Tendai Jordan the Boomin' Boomer, a business woman, and master mind group facilitator committed to the success of each member.

Mastermind: http://tonoaw.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tendai_Jordan