Thursday, December 31, 2020



A lot of people have the good guys and the bad guys confused.

People can research and identify villains and turn around and cheer them on a short time later. Sometimes for a pittance, but usually for free.

Seriously, look at critics, pundits, local GOP officials, influencers, and professors who say, “I’m going to analyze…”

Then swamp gets it way. People will spin for the swamp free of charge.

Yes, even “our” billionaire funded CCINO spokesmouths who in reality hate libertarians, autodidacts, and other freedom seekers and especially CR’s who dare venture into the world of doing politics.

When I say “mega corp” who am I talking about? the Fed, big tech, big media, and big pharma mostly.

There are people who want to resist mega corp or escape from it or challenge it. It’s hard to fight the house. Cucks “on our side” make it real difficult.

If escaping the matrix, and escaping the rat race are for you, the Black Book of the MasterMind series and mastermind-university dot com are for you.

Forming or joining a MasterMind group is one idea.

BUT, if one member cucks out or can’t grasp the house wants evil to be called good, you might be starting over from scratch. Unfortunately, many people are evil, stupid, addicted, and/or mental.

The author mentions NLP and covert hypnosis from time to time. “Rock ribbed” CCINOs, blatant cucks, care bears (concern trolls) and their peak soy tribes just laugh or make mush mouth comments. While facing away from the author.

The resistance is tepid in most of the U.S.

Traps are set for allegedly right wing tricksters and dunderheads everywhere. You can really hurt yourself if you can’t sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

Don’t treat one Q&A with a CCINO as a solid evidence or rediscovery of universal law. You have to have the strength and drive to see who they really are.

Read the Black Book of the Master Mind series of books. You’ll certainly gain more from the Black Books than paying thousands to come up with painless taxes, purposes for bloated government, and reasons to undermine the U.S. Constitution. The Black Book of the Master Mind Part 2 eBook: Drews, David K.: Kindle Store