Sunday, March 28, 2021

Intelligent Objections to MasterMind Groups


A lot of nonpolitical cyberbullies and offline untyrannical mafia gangsters have canned and easy to guess objections to MasterMind groups.  Let’s instead look at the more intelligent criticisms of MasterMind groups. 

“The lowest earning guy brings down the group.”  A solid MasterMind should help with a low income.  The low earning member could be planning a business or he/she could have assets or sources of income he doesn’t talk about.

People in specialized professions might not be able to benefit from a MMG or possibly legally be able to participate in one.  A professional might say if you need a friend, get a dog.  Then he turns around and speaks with undergrads from his Greek fraternity on career advice. 

Some accomplished individuals have said you must do your work alone.  For the most part this is true.  An entry level employee may really bang his head against the wall trying to negotiate a career problem or a new job.  Who would say a fellow employee couldn’t or wouldn’t help him?  Possibly an employee of a government that spends trillions of dollars, has unaccountability problems, and pits one demographic against another, is who might not help.

I know we want to contribute.  But don’t be taken advantage of by an informant at a compromised organization of any type.