Thursday, November 17, 2022

End of 2022 Briefing


JB’s Daily Briefing


Hola avatar,


I know a few of us have said this since myspace was a thing. But please pay attention to how the saucer eyed Lefties grabbed power and keep power throughout the entirety of Oregon.

I see no point to talking about bad politicians or out of kilter celebrities when you or your kids could go to LI or when you can disseminate the scams local shitlibs try to spring on your town.

Remember, all global politics is local, everywhere in the world. Helping the political Left at work or in your home or in your church is having the opposite effect on you and your country.

Yes I understand the gatekeepers have positive and negative sanctions for dereliction of their duties to their communities. But don’t serve them for free.

Yes saucer eyed dunces can ambush you at the grocery store or they can relentlessly harass clients of yours. If you won’t stand up to them, what sense does it make to join retarded conversations on Facebook?

There are many gatekeepers and influencers who claim to want to make men masculine and independent. But we see them fucking off and playing footsies with local globalist-feminist kingpins.

Or a progressive talking point gets stuck in their head and they run around in once safe territory spouting student leader bullshit.

The elites want to eliminate excess carbon and the excess carbon is you and I. You don’t fight them by joining them.

The elites have had their low level volunteers parroting their talking points and living their doctrines since I was in high school. Many of these parrots are today washed up. If king pin walks up to you and tries to make conversation or financial offers, this is a warning he wants to ruin you.

Cucks don’t talk about this.

Cucks have failed to acknowledge since the 1990s.

The fake 2 party system is quickly becoming more obvious. And lazy executives might have to do some actual work to make things believable again.

The shitlibs demand no one talks about mass formation psychosis and most cucks obey. ANYPLACE that did not adhere to Luciferian doctrine now has agents of disruption in their ranks.

Tell your kids this in front of saucer eyed gal or cuckservative and watch what happens.

Don’t be afraid to challenge the narrative.

Don’t be afraid to say no to getting cucked.

Seriously, don't be afraid to point out fake individuals who lie about or misinterpret or ignore the actual doctrines. These guys are easy to spot. But most won't stand up to them.

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