Saturday, August 21, 2021

One Huge Problem with Colleges Today and What to Do About It


In Atlas Shrugged, the best selling novel of all time, a recent college grad was assigned to the office of Hank Reardon.

Reardon was a fictional steel magnate.

The wet nurse tried to "help" Reardon run his business, and also show him how to wheel and deal with the government.

Unfortunately, too many college grads are programmed to enforce government and elite talking points and policies in their new jobs.

The instruction in college has been watered down.  Even in medical and engineering schools, indoctrination replaces traditional instruction.

Unfortunately governments have grown far too big.  Even College Republicans have had their world views altered by colleges.

There are things you can do.  If a degree isn't absolutely necessary, don't go.  Pay attention to people college admin hate and read their documents.

If governments publish documents and you read them and professor says NO!  Post about them anyway.

Look up documents Info Wars and other sources site, in the college library.

If professors slam Kiyosaki, MJ Demarco, or your favorite authors, study them more carefully.  Weigh the pros and cons of the consequences of what professors tell you.

When you graduate, your degree will only get you so much credibility.

Also, if you read Atlas Shrugged, what happened to the wet nurse towards the end of the book?  Don't end up like him.

Some people in NAZI Germany had  a similar end result.

What to do now?

Read Free and Low Cost Education 

and The Black Book of the Master Mind 4th ed.

and make a plan for yourself.

Ask yourself questions like "how is it in their interest?"
What happens if I attend college in-state vs out of state?
Why does it seem white people hate other white people and want to 
shut down the CR's?  Why would the local party want he CR's shut down?  

Does that mean more of a dog and pony show or not even that?

Don't crowdsource your future.  Some things you must do on your own.

1 comment:

  1. These "commandments" will become increasingly important in the "new" bubble economy.
