Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Real World MBA – Part 1


“The larger the audience the worse the information.” – Wall Street Playboys


The stupider the news or education in your life, the crazier this eBook will sound. 

You can look to college to tell you what to think.  But you may feel ripped off years after graduation.  In college, there is the Marxist lens and no other.  Opponents of Marxism are misrepresented and maligned.  Higher ed and the media coordinate attacks on all potential critics of Marxism, socialism, feminism, and globalism.  Higher ed can even enlist many churches and allegedly neutral civic organizations, and businesses to coordinate attacks on individuals of a traditional or a positively out of step with the masses person.

You are more likely to get unfiltered data and objective guidance from a mastermind group than a college. You are more likely to get unfiltered data and objective guidance from a mastermind group than a rep from a gigantic company.  There are too many Bernie Bros with degrees promoting skipping the latte and only buying VTSAX.  That last sentence is very revealing and carries a lot of weight.

Next, we’ll look at a second set of Commandments for the MasterMind.


10 Commandments of the Master Mind (2021)


1)      Become as self-reliant as possible to benefit from decentralization.

2)      Build a MasterMind alliance to benefit from decentralization.

3)      Concentrate on 4-7 things (investments and/or assets) and properly hedge them.

4)      Get two or three passports, if at all possible.

5)      Learn a little about a lot.

6)      Be prepared for adversaries to derelict their duties to bait or discredit you.

7)      The weekend detox is your pal.

8)      Network, although networking isn’t working.

9)      It’s not what happens if; It’s what happens when.

10)   If you lack IQ and/or experience, follow your boss and your advisor carefully.

1-5 and 10 should help you with decentralization.  When lumbering, borderline criminal institutions fail, there will be no central authority propping up certain people.  You’ll have to rely on yourself or your family.  Or you’ll become a serf.   See the Sovereign Individual.  If your information comes from clown world and is not accurate enough, you’re in trouble.  If you have a low IQ, you seem to have no choice but to follow guidance.  But the trick is knowing good guidance from poor.

Don’t go all in on one trade.  Forget movies and TV.  Hedge large holdings and be somewhat diversified.  Don’t diversify into things you know nothing about.

As for #6, watch for bigger fish to come at you at work or anyplace with their subordinates to bait, discredit, and demean you.  CCINOs and low IQs will think they’ve lost their minds.  That’s why they call it “gaslighting.”

#7 has nothing to do with alcohol.  Detox here just means to juice raw vegetables and eat raw fruit and vegetables.

(#8) Network because you might be one conversation away from a high paying job or a stellar trade.  The quality of networking venues varies.

(#9) Insulate yourself from, hedge against, and/or prepare for scenarios that could arise.  I’m talking about the demise of the $USD, accurate statistics as applied to your life, an authority figure who is slacking excessively, or the loss of a cush job, etc.  The main thing is, don’t let people blow sunshine up you’re a$$.  They will.  Expect it.  Prepare in secret if you must.  Use common sense.

Are You Working For Free?

I’ve seen some dumb advice on YouTube the last few years.  Go without sleep?  Sure, retard.  Who would spend money on producing a “high quality” video with such a counterproductive message?  I have some ideas.

Second, I wouldn’t crowdsource financial questions.  Who would troll people asking them?  People with time on their hands with some extra cash for software and outsourcers.  CCINOs and SJWs alike would like you to doxx yourself however.

Third, I see people at forums say stuff like “No one does a SWOT analysis!” and then turn around and demand everyone’s product ideas. 

When desperate suckers are duped, life is easier for the influencer’s clients.

Mistakes are inevitable, so fail fast and fail while you’re young.

Who Is On Our Side?

-          Anonymous

-          BowTied Jungle

-          YAL/AnCaps (so long as they’re not beholden to banks or other cronies)

-          Many preppers (if they’re Constitutional)

-          Your financial advisor(s) (if guidance is profitable)

-          Anon commentators (who offer value)

Most importantly, look at who is not on your side.  A chubby churchian CCINO is more likely to dox and discredit you and your pal than an SJW on campus.  Be careful CCINOs in the audience who pretend to be concerned with the 2020 election.

Talk radio hosts are your pal?  Think again.  Rush Limbaugh made the enemy look nonthreatening.  He helped the elites play their games.  Sean Hannity? Hey everybody, let’s chase our tails!  Lars Larson sometimes says very insightful things and then walks them back.

One thing most conservative radio hosts have had is an Internet personality, “Han Shoe,” call up (it’s amazing how he always gets on the air) and blathers about special ops and everyone being equal in the government, and why it makes no sense to criticize a military police state.

People who listen to a lot of talk radio aren’t gonna make it.  Don’t waste time and energy on them.

Church, school, radio, and the CCINO crowd on social media want everyone under their influence to play dumb while the elites grab power, grab money, start unnecessary wars, and deprive people of their liberties.  You’ll follow the deliriously stupid leader or you’ll be gaslighted.   You even see this on Gab and MeWe.

The phrase you need to know is “dog-and-pony-show.”

Ever notice the tough sounding CCINOs routinely lose elections and when they win they give away the store and advocate for their adversaries? 

Did you ever notice cucks, like Larson, immediately call all anti-Fed callers/posters anti-semites?  As if there are no anti-Fed Jews.  Fooling around with politics while leaving the Fed out of the equation does bring down the IQ and other qualities of people gathered for discussion.  Who would desire that?

Oregon churches teamed up with Portland gays and got Michael Savage, a Jewish conservative, off Oregon’s airwaves.  The truth may hurt.  But you and your mastermind must flesh out the truth.  Don’t even try to defend yourself before teacher.  They’re toying with you.  The cucks fight for them and have disdain for you.  Don’t try to change the minds of people beholden (by extortion maybe) to the elites.  Be careful trying to defend real conservatives publicly.  Further, it’s not advisable to seek validation for your views.  You could get fired, ambushed, or doxed.  Cut off churchian CCINO who play these points down.

Be a semi-anon man of value not a sperg Bernie bro.

CCINO may have a hard time hearing someone say “the first rule of politics is divide and conquer” because it comes from a book.  Worry about your own productivity.

Associate with people who are going to make it to the retreat.  Whether the retreat is Mars, an island, or a retreat in the Rocky mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Continue your post real world MBA here:
