Saturday, May 8, 2021

Excerpts From The Future of Personal Finance

 Hiya everyone,

Here are some excerpts from FOPF.

"If you see workarounds, solutions, alternatives, and/or ways to profit, write these ideas down.  Take the next steps.  If you (wrongly) decide to virtue signal, to seek validation, or to crowdsource your personal finances, expect crooks to appear.  Expect CCINOs and their strawmen and media voices to lie, use spin to cause confusion, and become abusive.  Or worse."

"The “promise” of the Green New Deal has delivered some outsized gains to lithium miners and some solar companies in the last two years.  Electric vehicles and other green technology requires lithium, nickel, and silver."  

"The “wealth gap” is in part caused by the fed injecting stocks with cash which drives up asset prices (stock market prices).  This leaves the wage earner and the broke and poor behind.  Plus, the wage earner probably doesn’t have the tax write offs and access to lobbyists that big companies have."

"Unsafe behavior isn’t mitigated away because of any promises based on new economic developments.  Exceptions to the rule(s) do not negate the rule(s).  The rule of never ignoring red flags applies as well.  Hopefully you know to insure your home, car, life, and health.  In my view it’s also a plus to have some of my 3-to-12-month emergency fund in cash bills.  What if the card reader at the gas station is down when you need gas?"

"Low value types will drink the communist cool aid due to perceived hopelessness.  This will increase depression, nihilism, crime, corruption, and dystopia.  CCINOs will drink the communist cool aid and demonstrate low value activity while claiming to be a conservative or libertarian…"

"Watch for unprecedented leverage by financial firms and by central banks “injecting” cash into stocks.  What do you suppose this will do to the wealth gap?"

"Governments, mega corps, and their eyes and ears in all political parties and media will double down on their mistakes and promote compliance and conformity from infancy.  This plants the seeds of absolute power and control.  There are Libertarians who are for compliance with Mega Corp, by the way.  The controlled cuck opposition will make mistakes.  They’ll compromise.  The government employees will usually talk up government in general.  The U.S. and the GOP of each state will punish and gaslight their bases.  The normies, frequently controlled by churches or some unfortunate circumstance, won’t get it in time."  ($6)

Do you want to chase your tail as instructed by conservibruh?  Is mainstream news really looking out for you?  Is it best to work for minimum wage for Mega Corps dispensing blue pill platitudes and nonsense?

NO, you want to read The Future of Personal Finance.

To YOUR success,


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