Saturday, March 28, 2020

One Way to Check the Full Menu of Options in the Present Crisis

There are a few things you might keep in mind when researching, connecting the dots, and making decisions.
Are you being steered or railroaded? Did you check the whole menu of options? Did you look off the menu? An intelligence network is expensive. But a MasterMind group is doable. If you're in a MasterMind group, have you asked the members what they've found? Did they find anything that'll beat the market? Did they find any glaring hazards? MasterMind groups can be very good for leveraging or tapping other networks for information. If your ventures seem to be failing, you can gain feedback from your new contacts. If you offer value, this should work. Being that high IQs aren't evenly distributed, do you have superior smarts in your network? Don't hog time or smother. Just seek feedback or ideas in a nutshell. The truth is some people were prepared for the corona virus to pop the 'everything bubble.' Even though they may not have predicted every market movement and detail. There are techniques taught in NLP and from other disciplines that are covered in The Black Book of the Master Mind that will assist a great deal in seeking opportunity, being prepared, and avoiding danger. Imagine how you could cut your learning curve. Read the Kindle version soon.

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