Friday, August 30, 2019

Greedy Monopolies Want Your Soul and Your Future

I asked the same person that I asked about Obamacare and mental hospitals about this curious message I found on Gab dot com. Here's what he said: "I wish corporations were just after my money now.
They're run by people who don't care about making a profit as long as they can use their power to do people like me harm.
Back during the war with Iraq I said that money in the hands of someone who hates you becomes a weapon of mass destruction.
This is true also of corporate influence.
Now guys who should be setting password policies for bank databases are now deciding to close bank accounts because they don't like the politics of the accountholder.
If this is free trade, it's come to mean freedom enjoyed only by those who control business monopolies and bottlenecks like the financial system.
IGreedy t doesn't seem to filter down in any meaningful way to ordinary people.
It's a lot more like infallibility of the clergy.
Just a preemptive absolution from ever being wrong or ever being called on bad behavior by extremely powerful factions."

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