Saturday, May 25, 2019

Escape the Matrix

A big part of escaping the matrix is not having reality dictated to you by a biased or dishonest person who wants to control your behavior with no concern to your well-being.

Yes, most of us need professional assistance from time to time.  But we do not need wet nurses, like in Atlas Shrugged, talking heads, pastors who are controlled by feminists and globalists, or teachers who say, “Put down your Bibles and listen to a talk about life in the ghetto.”

We don’t need 98% of the ads we see and hear.  We don’t need to interact with any of the fake profiles we encounter on social media or in public places.  We don’t need bureaucrats, CEO’s, or activist lawyers telling us our choices are more limited than they are.

We don’t need ex-military, ex-clergy, salespeople, or failed businesspeople fishing for our plans, resources, ideas, past misnomers, and addresses in person or online.  We don’t need NLP proficient wolves-in-sheep’s clothing who pose as ordinary people and who, you guessed it, want to become friends, although their bosses lead the way to tyranny, dystopia, and very unimaginative recycled Leftist ideas.

We don’t need teachers, counselors, or professionals that are just salespeople and/or strawmen.  We should reject pastors who preach that we’ll all be forced to become closer to God and the Church will flourish if we invite dystopia and tyranny through the ballot box. 

Pastors over the years have loved the comic strip Peanuts.  Well, Charlie Brown was tricked by Lucy who snatched the ball away time after time.  Today’s Charlie Browns are the cuckservatives.  They’re the boys with the good attitudes, who blunder over and over.  Research Oregon politics sometime if you doubt this.

Often times our Jim Taggart overlords attempt to undeniably state, “There’s nothing that can be done.”  Whether it’s a systemic problem of a financial or political nature, or a generational or demographic change, or the fact that we will experience back stabbing or dereliction of duty or blatant fraud from trusted people, cuckservatives and people who hide behind corporate veils will choose to please the masters of the dog and pony show and conceal solutions.  (Jim Taggart is a central character in Atlas Shrugged.)

If you suspect or flat-out believe that good will prevail, and further that you will prevail, this short eBook is for you.  Ready to slip into a winning state of mind?

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