1) D's are known to cock their heads like dogs when they pretend they don't understand.
2) D's have politicized everything. So when R's think something is not political; it is. Then the R's lose.
3) D's use NLP and hypnosis. Not with a timepiece or wavy lines. There's pacing, mirroring, stances and all sorts of subtle techniques.
4) The elites want close, heated political contests where oopsie, shucksie, the D's barely won.
5) GOP backbenchers are somehow obligated or compromised by the D's. Ever notice how GOP official fails to mention dead people voting, or who can't answer important requested phone calls? Ever notice how (loser) GOP lawyer pals around with the enemy? Ever notice GOP official makes the same mistakes every election?
6) D's will claim the R's are too extreme. The R's then water down the tea and divide themselves. Of course, there is never any gratitude for cooperation.
7) Not only does your tax money get redistributed, your achievements get redistributed. Somehow, teacher, guidance councilor and all the other overlords can somehow project into the future and claim the R isn't capable of any achievement (or even thought). When the R does the unexpected, the cucked R's panic just like their masters.
8) Thanks to D and elite conditioning, R's willingly divide themselves and lose. And hoot feewings :( Someone says "cucked" or "infidel" and the Uniparty's faces contort. R's are trained to say, "You're an alt-right bigot," if you say "cucked." Cucked just means compromised my young padawan. Don't listen to a hypnotist, read a book! Trying to win at clown world, hyper reality won't happen! Look at 2020.
9) D and R will tell you damage control "isn't a thing." It's a real serious thing. But if poverty overtakes the majority of the population and riots occur, you'll see voluntary, cooperative and professional damage control is a thing.
10) D's preach hopelessness and helplessness. And cucks still get cucked. How does this happen?
11) Have you ever heard of the Stanford Test? This test eliminates competitors of the elite D's and elite R's before they graduate from Jr High.
12) D's use all sorts of psychology (as noted). R's obey their own rule that psychology is of the Devil. Then feewings get hurt and Rebublabluhs lose. Who'd of thought? It's an awesome scam if you're the house. Totally legal.
13) D's say they are not judgmental. lol
14) D's seem to control many state GOP parties via the Teachers Union.
15) D's and R's are not obligated to point out the R's broke their 1994 Contract With America. What could R's conserve in 2022?
You can buy into the hypnosis of the culture. You can make a suicide last flight to win at clown world. Or you can challenge yourself to read Atlas Shrugged, The Black Book of the Master Mind 4th edition and watch Idiocracy and End Game.
I know the hypnosis of hyper reality makes you feel dread and all kinds of negative emotions when you challenge or even question, BUT, you can do it.
So what are you going to do? Mock or gaslight me? Attack randos in vent rooms? Make your own vent room? Run in place and offer passerbys a special ops challenge?
No, you want to read The Black Book of the Master Mind, 4th edition.